
Friday, November 7, 2014

My Travel Scratch Map

Fancy yourself as a bit of a globe trotter? A Cosmo P. Olitan-style explorer with more air miles under your seatbelt than Alan Whicker and Judith Chalmers combined?
Then don’t waste time showing off by sticking pins in world maps and playing holiday one-upmanship with ill-travelled goons. Get yourself a My Scratch Map.

Brilliant in its simplicity, this smart wall map depicts the world in all its jiggidy, jaggedy continent covered glory. So far, so what? Well here’s the clever bit: the land masses are covered in gold foil that can be scratched off to reveal the countries you’ve visited. Let’s see…Calais, France; Amsterdam, Holland…oh yes, and Timbuktu, erm somewhere.

Don’t worry if you’re not exactly Phileas Fogg in the travel stakes. The thought of scratching off new destinations serves as a great incentive to pack your suitcase. Failing that, lie. Just make sure you’ve got a good story if you scratch off Antarctica. Happy trails!


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