
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Addictaball Maze

This is one puzzle you simply can't put down! No way, not Addictaball! "Just another go, just one more, I'll only be a minute.

Maze 1 features 138 stages which you'll struggle through, guaranteeing you being stuck to this nifty ball for hours on end!

Guide the ball bearing through spirals, drops, swinging arms, flips and slides until you reach the final section....that's IF you can reach the final section of course!

These little balls of joy are great to keep you occupied in any situation! However, please be aware that they CAN drive you insane! (Please note, if signs of insanity begin to show i.e chewing cushions or referring to the Addictaball as "my baby", please see a doctor immediately). You will never be able to finish either of the Addictaballs in one go!


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